Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mushrooms in white creamy sauce

Hey, It's me again. wow I can't believe I'm writing twice this week but here it goes! I'm going to call this Mushroom in white sauce. Because for real I have no clue what else to call it =)

The Ingredients

2 packs of fresh mushrooms
2 scallion (you can find them with the onions)
2 Tb Olive oil
2 tbs Italian seasoning 
2 Tb mince garlic
16 oz Heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup Feta cheese
1 cup Mozzarella cheese


Wash mushroom and slice in haft, mince scallion and place in a large frying pan with the olive oil. Fry on low heat, till they are beautifully brown and tinder. Add Italian seasoning, garlic and cream cook on low heat till it comes to simmer, Add both cheese and cook till it fully melted serve over noddles.
* like to use Penna noddles

For the chicken

The Ingredients:

2 chicken breast
Mozzarella cheese
Italian seasoning
Mince garlic


Slice chicken breast into two pieces, I added small piece of mozzarella cheese and a thin piece of butter. I used about 1/4 tbs of Italian seasoning

and garlic and a dash of salt. Roll them up and use tooth picks to hold into place fry them in a large pan with little bit of olive oil cover and cook till now more pink. It toke mine around 20 minutes.

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