Sunday, December 25, 2011

Stuffed Mushrooms

I made these stuff mushrooms for our Christmas appetizers and the family loved them so much that I made them for Christmas supper to. :)

Italian Stuff Mushrooms


20  Big mushroom 
4 Tablespoons olive oil 
1 Pound of sausage 
1 8oz cream cheese 
1 tub of Philadelphia cream cheese with Garlic & Herbs
1/4 cup romano cheese
1/4 cup feta cheese
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
2 Tablespoon Garlic 
1 Tablespoon Organ 
1 Tablespoon Parsley 
1 Tablespoon Italian seasoning  
1 Tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 

Preheat oven to 350, Take mushrooms wash and take the steams out roll in olive oil and place in pan. Cook for 5 minutes take out and sit a side.  Frying the sausage till cooked fully. Place all the other ingredients into a mixing bowl, and mix well and pour in fully cooked sausage and mix. Spoon in mixture into mushrooms. cook for another 10 minutes. plate and server. 
*you do not have to use the worcestershire sauce. It just adds a good flavor.

Hope everyone enjoys these. 

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Hey, I came up with this recipe the other day for some appetizer i had made and every one that has tried them loves them.
 I'm not sure what to name it so maybe ya'll can help me name it.


2 8oz cream cheese (softened) 
1 cup powder sugar
1/2 cup cool whip
1 package of pepperidge farm puff pastry sheets
1/2 cup butter (melted)
1 cup of frozen mix berries
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Hershey candy bar (shaved)

Defrost puff pastry sheets unroll them take one lightly spread butter on it place another pastry sheet on it repeat till you have 6 sheets, cut into "5" by "5" squares, place into spared mini cupcake pan and bake as box instructions say. and cool

Place cream cheese, powder sugar and cool whip into a mixing bowl and mix till smooth.  Spoon into pastry cups. place berries into a small bowl with sugar and mix and place on top of white creamy mixture, Decorate with shaved Hershey candy bar. 

Friday, December 23, 2011

First time

Hey, this is my first time blogging so please bare with me. I have  had a number of people ask me for some recipes of stuff I have made. I most times tell them, i did not use one I just added till it tast good. So I'm going to try to write down the recipes from now on and people can get them from here….
I will start off with a cheese ball i came up with. 
I'll name it..
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Yummy Italian cheese Ball

2 8oz Cream cheese
1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
1/2 cup Romano Cheese
1/2 cup Asigo Cheese
1/2 cup Feta Cheese
1/2 cup Dried Tomatos 
1/4 cup Bacon bits
3 Tablespoons Mince Garlic
3 Tablespoons Italian Seasoning
3 Tablespoons Organo 
3 Tablespoons Parsly 
2 Tablespoons Garlic Salt 
Lay out  cream cheese out till soft.  Place all ingredients into mixing bowl and mix till its smooth. 
Roll into a ball and place on serving tray. refridge till serving. Serve with crackers. I like to use rosemary and garlic crackers.  

I hope everyone enjoys. 
Please feed backs……..