Saturday, December 24, 2011


Hey, I came up with this recipe the other day for some appetizer i had made and every one that has tried them loves them.
 I'm not sure what to name it so maybe ya'll can help me name it.


2 8oz cream cheese (softened) 
1 cup powder sugar
1/2 cup cool whip
1 package of pepperidge farm puff pastry sheets
1/2 cup butter (melted)
1 cup of frozen mix berries
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Hershey candy bar (shaved)

Defrost puff pastry sheets unroll them take one lightly spread butter on it place another pastry sheet on it repeat till you have 6 sheets, cut into "5" by "5" squares, place into spared mini cupcake pan and bake as box instructions say. and cool

Place cream cheese, powder sugar and cool whip into a mixing bowl and mix till smooth.  Spoon into pastry cups. place berries into a small bowl with sugar and mix and place on top of white creamy mixture, Decorate with shaved Hershey candy bar. 

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