Thursday, January 5, 2012

Home made Chicken Alfredo

Hey Good Morning, I know I haven't posted in awhile I have been crazy busy the last couple days. With work and try to get all my school stuff ready because I start this coming Monday for college.  But I did cook something the other night and decide to write it down for ya'll. I came up with this recipe awhile back. But i have always keep adding to it til now. 

Its Home Made Chicken Alfredo 

2bl of chicken breast ( best if its boneless and skinless)
3Tablespoons Olive oil
3Tablespoons Italian seasoning 
3Tablespoons Oregano 
2Tablespoons Pasley 
2Tablespoons Black pepper
4Tablespoons Mince Garlic (fresh garlic is better)

Take chicken and cut it into small 3inch cubs place in a big size frying pan with olive oil start to cook on low heat and than add the rest of the seasoning. Cook on median heat till fully cooked. ( you may need to add more oil if it starts to stick, but most times you wont if you cook it on median heat)

Sauce Ingredients:
3 cups Half and half
3 cups Heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes
1/4 cup Asiago cheese
1/2 cup Ricotta cheese
1/2 cup Mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup Grated Parmesan cheese 
1/2 cup Rome Cheese 
1/2 cup Bacon bits

Add these ingredients into the frying pan that holds the chicken, Cook on LOW heat (if not on low heat it will stick to pan) cook for around 20 minutes. Add salt till it tastes good. (sorry I never measure my salt because I'm always putting more in while I cook) 
Cook some noddles, any kinda will work I like to use the bow-tie noddles best. Rise and add 3 Tablespoons of olive oil and dash of salt. Place in a large bowel and add the Chicken Alfredo sauce over top and serve. 

I like to serve it with some kinda of Italian bread and salad.

I hope everyone enjoys this recipe.
love Hanna  

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